Michael Bröning is the Executive Director of the FES office in New York. He was previously Head of the International Policy Analysis Department at FES in Berlin and has directed the foundation in Jordan and Jerusalem.
Michael holds a Doctorate in Economics and Social Sciences and a Masters in History. He has taught Political Science at the Freie Universität in Berlin and was a John F. Kennedy Memorial Fellow at Harvard University.
Michael is the founding editor of Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, a tri-lingual political magazine and has published seven books on European and Middle Eastern politics including “Lob der Nation” (currently in its third edition) and “The Politics of Change in Palestine”, short-listed for the Palestine Book Award. His PhD thesis on German-Israeli relations was awarded the Herbert-Wehner-Grant.
Michael is a frequent contributor to English- and German-language media, including Foreign Affairs, Politico, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, and writes a monthly column on global politics for the Berlin-based Der Tagesspiegel. Michael has testified before the foreign affairs committee of the German Bundestag and at the European Parliament and has appeared in Foreign Policy, The Economist, The Times, BBC world, ABC Australia, 3Sat Kulturzeit, and on the German radio.
Michael is a member of the Commission for Fundamental Values of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD).