
| Publication

The 2025 Bundestag elections have drastically changed the balance of power in Germany. A new FES analysis takes a closer look at the results.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

The EU faces an uphill battle at the UN as the Trump administration shifts gears on Ukraine. Can Europe rally the Global South to its side?


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Trump ushers in a new era of coercive diplomacy and "deal-making." It's time for the rules-based international order to find answers.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Historically the UN's top funder, the U.S. is now likely to worsen the world organization's liquidity crisis by cutting support.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

FES is activating its network of over 100 offices and partner organizations worldwide to help address the sovereign debt crisis.


14.11.2024 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Many UN insiders expected Trump's return, but navigating it will be challenging.


21.10.2024 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

In times of war, is the UN still relevant in driving disarmament efforts?


21.10.2024 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

Is the geopolitical space for disarmament shrinking? What role do the U.S. and other major powers play?


21.10.2024 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

What are the implications of new and emerging technologies, including AI, on disarmament and human control?


30.07.2024 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

This new paper series takes an in-depth look at Debt Sustainability Assessments (DSAs) and their role in the international financial architecture.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

The UN's liquidity crisis jeopardizes its mandates. A new study by FES and IDOS explores new mechanisms for UN funding.


| Sustaining Peace | Event, Publication

Together with SIPRI and partners, we launched the final report of the "New Geopolitics of Peace Operations" initiative.


08.01.2024 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Ongoing crises keep multilateralism in turmoil, but ambitious reforms are still on the table. What to expect from the 2024 UN Summit of the Future?


| Inclusive Economy | Publication
Known for its expensive villas and numerous letterbox companies: the Cayman Islands. © Canva/IPS

The Global South wants to strengthen the role of the UN in global tax policy. But the North is united in its opposition.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

This new report by economist Paola Subacchi explores the risks of fragmentation in the international financial and monetary systems.


15.09.2023 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

The United Nations and its 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development are highly popular around the world, but reforms are needed for the UN to deliver.


10.07.2023 | Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication

The UN system has outlived its usefulness and it is now urgent to design a global institution that is reflective of the twenty-first century.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

New study by UN Special Rapporteur finds widespread "misuse of counter-terrorism... measures and practices" at the expense of civil society.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

Emerging military technologies like lethal autonomous weapons (LAWS) are dangerously under-regulated. It's time to change that.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

Around the world, people have become increasingly angry at the failures of their governments - democratically elected or not - to address their needs.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

2022 saw unprecedented protests about the basics needed for everyday life, signaling a global economic failure to provide goods at prices people can afford.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

30 years after Fukuyama's famous hypothesis on the "End of History," geopolitics are shifting once again. Are we witnessing a "Return of the West"? And if so, what does it mean?


| 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

China has become an increasingly visible player across the UN development pillar, giving rise to competing narratives.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication

Nobelpreisträger Joseph E. Stiglitz über Putins Angriffskrieg, die globale Schuldenkrise, deutsche Atomkraftwerke und Wege aus der Krise.


23.09.2022 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Public opinion turns more pessimistic amid global crises, but support for international cooperation and solidarity with Ukraine remain strong.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

Led and bankrolled by undemocratic states with deep pockets, UN counter-terrorism efforts are increasingly opaque, unaccountable and out of step with UN values.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

The UN's review conference on nuclear weapons was overshadowed by geopolitics, but a focus on humanitarian issues may be the way forward.


20.07.2022 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

While the eyes of the world are on Russia's war in Ukraine, significant diplomatic progress has been achieved in Yemen.


02.06.2022 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

The discussion about a UN Tax Convention is moving from a question of “Should we have one?” to “How would we do it?”


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

Wer im Sicherheitsrat ein Veto benutzt, muss sich dafür künftig vor der UNO-Vollversammlung rechtfertigen.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

As corporate tax dodging continues, the need for a coherent set of clear and simple rules is greater than ever.


28.04.2022 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Event, Publication

Spotlight report about key issues affecting migrants at the grassroots, national and regional levels.


21.04.2022 | Sustaining Peace | Publication, News

A conversation on the "Veto initiative" with the Ambassador of Liechtenstein to the United Nations, Christian Wenaweser.


12.04.2022 | Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication

With global outrage and discontent on the rise, the 21st century has witnessed some of the largest protests in world history.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication, News

Was bedeutet der Krieg in der Ukraine für die Zukunft der Vereinten Nationen? Ein Gastbeitrag von Michael Bröning für „Die Zeit“.


31.03.2022 | Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication

As protests are on the rise, people across the globe demand human rights, decent living standards, and real democracy.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication, News

In a historic vote, the UN General Assembly demands an end to Russia's war against Ukraine. Michael Bröning reports in "Vorwärts" (DE).


| Sustaining Peace | Publication, News

Die VN-Generalversammlung tritt zu einer historischen Sondersitzung zusammen. Warum das wichtig ist, analysiert Michael Bröning im „IPG-Journal“.


12.10.2021 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

Report by eminent experts offers recommendations to ensure governments emerging from debt distress can still invest in sustainable development.


28.09.2021 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

Some states have used the UN’s reputation to ‘blue-wash’ problematic counter-terrorism approaches.


22.09.2021 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

New polling shows global support for international cooperation, favorable views of Biden, and optimism about a "return to normal" after Covid.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

20 years after 9/11, many originally temporary encroachments on civil liberties and privacy remain in force.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

Auch heute, 20 Jahre nach 9/11, bleiben viele ursprünglich zeitlich befristete Freiheitseinschränkungen in Kraft.


| 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

FES spoke to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, about the right to asylum and Europe’s role and responsibilities.


09.06.2021 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

António Guterres will serve a second term as UN Secretary-General. What might a “liberated” Guterres accomplish?


28.04.2021 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

To defeat the pandemic we need to lift patent protections on Covid-19 vaccines.


26.04.2021 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

People around the world want more and better international cooperation.


29.03.2021 | Multilateralism 4.0, 2030 Agenda | Publication

Biden-Harris administration sends clear message on gender equality and women's rights.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

On 11 March last year, the WHO declared Covid-19 a global pandemic. Former CDC director Tom Frieden on whether we're better prepared for the next one.


21.01.2021 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication, News

New polling from FES New York and YouGov shows much of the world has high hopes for Biden's presidency, but also skepticism about US return to the global stage.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

How do we build a legally-binding framework to keep killer robots in check?


04.01.2021 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

This brief distills a complex and compelling argument that stable and secure real exchange rates are good for development.


14.12.2020 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

Is the glass half full or half empty? Germany's tenure on the UN Security Council in review.


24.11.2020 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

How can the new Biden-Harris Administration bring the US back onto the multilateral stage?


23.11.2020 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Wie die neue US-Administration das Verhältnis zu den UN reparieren kann.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

Recent studies put long-held expectations about the dynamics of income inequality and economic growth into question. What are the implications for developing countries?


16.10.2020 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

Covid-19 has thrown the global economy into turmoil. At the annual meetings of IMF and World Bank, the future of austerity was at stake.


27.07.2020 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

The first-ever virtual HLPF was a disappointment, both substantively and organizationally.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication

Rising geopolitical tensions and the "war" against Covid-19 are straining the institutions that underpin international economic interdependence.


| 2030 Agenda, Inclusive Economy | Publication

The 2019 FES/ITUC Policy Research Fellow finds World Bank and IMF lending fails to adequately support UN goals on decent work and equity.


| Inclusive Economy, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Shahra Razavi expertly narrates how the current crisis is affecting social protection systems worldwide and what must be done to "build back better."


15.05.2020 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

A feminist response must address four key areas: bodily autonomy, ecological sustainability, the care economy, and just financial flows.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

International cooperation is under pressure in the corona pandemic. The G20, UN and IMF are bucking the trend.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

95% of respondents to a recent UN study agreed that global cooperation is necessary to manage global trends.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

The outdated dogma of nuclear deterrence and other means of achieving security.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

COVID-19 is exacerbating inequalities of all kinds. What can the World Bank do?


22.02.2020 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

African-led peace operations face important challenges, but their level of achievement is noteworthy.


19.12.2019 | Inclusive Economy, 2030 Agenda | Publication

As the IMF and UNCTAD warn of a global financial crisis, the world economy is at a critical juncture.


19.12.2019 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

Germany approaches the second half of its term on the UNSC. What has it achieved? And what comes next?


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

When disaster hits, already impoverished countries find themselves in debt traps. Only a global mechanism can prevent this.


| Inclusive Economy, 2030 Agenda | Publication

There are opportunities to galvanize joint efforts at the UN and beyond. The authors offer reflections on potential ways forward.


14.08.2019 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

Reducing inequality and boosting economic growth are not necessarily contradictory, quite the contrary!


08.07.2019 | Inclusive Economy, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

The 2019 HLPF is an opportunity to improve policies at global and national levels to combat inequality.


| Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Humanitarian organizations - both inside and outside the UN system - have insufficient funds.


Angela Kane | Sustaining Peace | Publication

As Member States are gearing up for the 2020 NPT Review Conference, consensus remains difficult to achieve.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication

Trade policy must not be an end in itself, but has to serve broader, fair and democratic objectives.


14.12.2018 | Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Can Germany use its upcoming term on the Security Council to refocus international attention on the unresolved crisis in Eastern Ukraine?


07.12.2018 | Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Two UN landmark agreements turned 70 years old. What's their relevance today?


| Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Germany is uniquely positioned - and obligated - to prioritize atrocity prevention on the international stage.


| 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication

The 2030 measurement framework presents challenges and possible unintended consequences for countries, their statistical systems and the broader information ecosystem.


| 2030 Agenda, Inclusive Economy | Publication

2018 policies of the IMF and World Bank show some improvements in reducing inequalities, but more work remains to be done.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

In a reshaped multilateral order, democracy on the national and global levels are mutually reinforcing and a reformed, well-resourced and more democratic UN is at the centre.


| 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Keine Frage, multilaterale Institutionen wie die Vereinten Nationen und Multilateralisten haben derzeit einen schweren Stand.


| Inclusive Economy, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Looking back at the failure of reforms since 2008, this paper proposes ways in which “regulation from below” by engaged and empowered bank workers can provide an alternative to a purely “top-down” approach.


| Inclusive Economy, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

Instead of relying on legal and supervisory systems to take on the entire task of financial regulation “from above”, this paper argues that employees of banks and financial institutions can collectively assist regulatory efforts “from below”.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication

Germany’s time on the Security Council brings an opportunity for Berlin to demonstrate that it is ready to play at the highest level of global crisis management.


15.05.2018 | Sustaining Peace | Publication

This Summary Findings Report introduces the project context, the project’s research framing, and findings from nine of the 11 case studies.


23.04.2018 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

Ten years after the last financial crisis, large banks are still creating risky financial instruments faster than policymakers can regulate them. Bank workers around the world are under pressure to sell these products.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication

UN Secretary-General António Guterres plans to instill new life into the United Nations by making prevention of wars and armed conflicts the hallmark of his administration. The only question is, how to achieve this?


29.03.2018 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication

The challenges of financing for development (FFD) are many - from a weakened multilateral system to persistent inequalities - but the key for UN delegates negotiating the outcome of the upcoming FFD Forum? Focus not only on the need for economic growth, but on who will benefit from it.


| Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication

Asia's security outlook still appears to be laden with uncertainties. From the changing dynamics in the balance of power, an emboldened North Korea and the threat of the different shades of terrorism and radical extremism, there are serious concerns about the prospects for peace and security in the region.


| Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

The final report, distills the findings of a two-year effort by more than 20 international experts to find answers on how to overcome rising insecurity and its attendant ills.


| Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

This publication focuses on the role and influence of the President of the UN General Assembly within political affairs as well as how much influence he should have to deliver for the UN Member States.


| Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0, FES-Categories | Publication, FES-Categories

This publication focuses on the connection of climate change and global security and discusses whether actions on climate change could trigger transformations of the UN Security Council.


| Inclusive Economy, 2030 Agenda | Publication

A lack of transparency, coordination, and information about global investment opportunities in infrastructure discourage adequate investment. What way forward?


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

This report reviews policies of the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank Group (WBG) and other global financial rule-makers, and scores them on a scale of 1–5 on their efforts and success at reducing inequalities.


| Sustaining Peace | Publication

This publication discusses proposals for a strong, integral nuclear weapons ban treaty that among others includes references to human rights, environmental law and victim assistance.


| Inclusive Economy | Publication

This publication proposes limited debt relief schemes to overcome weaknesses of debt restructuring mechanisms and thus preventing a new debt and financial crisis.


01.02.2017 | Inclusive Economy | Publication

This publication by SIPRI in collaboration with FES examines security dynamics and EU interests related to the Belt and provides recommendations for EU-China cooperation and engagement.


01.02.2017 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication

FES New York together with three other founding organizations of the campaign '1 for 7 billion' (United Nations Association-UK, CIVICUS and Avaa) co-produced this publication committed to a democratic and transparent election of the new Secretary-General.


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