Thursday, 07.02.2019

Carlo Schmid Salon 2019

What does innovation in and by the UN look like?

"Innovation in and by the UN:Best Practices, Bottlenecks, and Beyond"

7 February 2019, Church Center for the United Nations

The purpose of this interactive event was to explore two aspects of innovation in the context of the United Nations: (1) innovation within the UN system, and (2) innovative solutions by the UN for the world's most pressing problems.

By bringing together a diverse group of experts, decision-makers in the UN-system and
politically interested young professionals, this World Café provided a platform for close, informal exchange and discussion of current developments and approaches to UN innovation.


  • Benedikt Brisch (Director, DAAD North America)
  • Lennart Inklaar (Program Officer, FES New York)


  • Cecilia Chapiro (UNICEF Office of Innovation)
  • Christian Burckhardt (UN, Executive Office of the Secretary-General)
  • Jeremy Boy (Global Pulse)
  • Katrin Jaskiewicz (Department of Operational Support Reform Implementation Team)