| Media Mentions

FES NY Director Michael Bröning in "Vorwaerts": More and more people perceive change as threatening. The Left needs a completely new concept of…


| Media Mentions

As governments become the arbiters of reality, what we need is open debate. Michael Bröning in "POLITICO".


| Media Mentions

FES brought a high-level delegation of Ukrainian decision-makers to New York. During their visit, they shared their first-hand experiences of the war…


| Media Mentions

"The notion that young people will always go for progressives may become a myth, rather than a reliable model." Michael Bröning's latest commentary…


| Media Mentions

A new resolution initiated by Liechtenstein aims to increase accountability and help curb the abuse of the veto power at the UN. FES spoke with…


| Media Mentions

What does Russia's war against Ukraine mean for the future of the UN? An analysis from Michael Bröning in "Die Zeit" (DE).


| Media Mentions

In a historic vote, the UN General Assembly demands an end to Russia's war against Ukraine. Michael Bröning reports from New York in "Vorwärts" (DE).


| Media Mentions

As the Ukraine crisis escalates, the UN General Assembly meets for a historic Emergency Special Session. An analysis by FESNY's Michael Bröning in…


| Media Mentions

In this article for "Vorwärts", FES New York Director Michael Bröning analyses the reaction of the United Nations to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.


| Media Mentions

This article for "The Washington Post" reviews the new "World Protests" Study by FES New York and the Initiative for Policy Dialogue at Columbia…


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