Tuesday, 13.03.2018 - Wednesday, 14.03.2018

"Gender and Trade Think-Meeting"

FES and partners co-convened this think meeting to underscore the renewed need for critical analysis and advocacy on gender, trade, and interlinking issues.

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On the margins of the sixty-second session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62), this initial think-meeting was held to rekindle a conversation and related work at the intersection of gender and trade to meet contemporary challenges.

Building on a rich history of gender and trade activism that coalesced during the late 1990s and early 2000s, this gathering was co-convened by Regions Refocus, FES New York, the South Centre, DIVA for Equality, the Gender and Development Network as well as Public Services International. The meeting brought together participants, from key civil society organizations, feminist groups, trade unions, academia, and intergovernmental bodies, to generate new ideas and enthusiasm for kick-starting activism and analysis on gender and trade.