| Media Mentions

Die Proteste gegen Preissteigerungen bei Energie und Lebensmitteln haben inzwischen alle Weltregionen erfasst. Unsere neue Studie exklusiv in "ZEIT…


| Media Mentions

FESNY's Sara Burke spoke with Laurie Taylor, the host of the long-running BBC podcast “Thinking Allowed”, about her research into protest movements.


| Media Mentions

Our discussion on the "Global South under Debt Distress" with Joseph Stiglitz and Martin Guzman covered in Argentina's "La Nacion" (ES only).


| Media Mentions

The world community opposes the annexation of eastern Ukraine by a large majority at the UN General Assembly. But once again, the decisive factor is…


| Media Mentions

The rise of far-right populism in Italy and across Europe is also sustained by the arrival of young voters. Michael Bröning in "El Pais" (ES only).


| Media Mentions

Ahead of a highly anticipated general election, 44% of Brazilians believe their country is becoming less democratic. Our Global Census opinion poll…


| Media Mentions

Findings from our 2022 "Global Census" opinion poll were covered in POLITICO's "Global Insider".


| Media Mentions

Russia's war in Ukraine has the world pessimistic about the future. But the new "Global Census" poll by FES shows there's also good news for the UN…


| Media Mentions

As the gap between the UN's global governance ambitions and political reality grows ever wider, the future of the world organization is increasingly…


| Media Mentions

Dr. Ania Skrypzek, Director for Research and Training at the Foundations for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), reviews our "World Protests" Study…


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