"Making 'Never Again' a Reality"

Germany is uniquely positioned - and obligated - to prioritize atrocity prevention on the international stage.

Authors: Tibi Galis and Jack Mayerhofer

Germany’s seat on the UN Security Council in 2019 and 2020 provides the country with an important opportunity and obligation to honor its history by advancing atrocity prevention. For this, the authors of this publication argue, Germany must move away from conflict-hopping, which focuses exclusively on situations where atrocities are imminent or are already occurring. Instead, Germany should prioritize earlier prevention by raising issues of atrocity prevention and gender throughout all Council deliberations, and by opposing both the attacks on the human rights systems and the debilitating political deadlock within the UN and beyond.


Making "never again" a reality

Galis, Tibi; Mayerhofer, Jack

Making "never again" a reality

What Germany can contribute during its next term in the Security Council toward preventing mass atrocities
NewYork, 2018

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