
Search results on FES New York website

15 results:
23.07.2024 | Inclusive Economy | Event
Side Event: FfD4 PrepCom in Addis Ababa
At the FfD4 PrepCom, we co-hosted a side event on how Debt Sustainability Assessments (DSAs) fit to today's global & development challenges.  
22.08.2022 | Sustaining Peace | Publication
New study on UN’s counterterrorism architecture
Led and bankrolled by undemocratic states with deep pockets, UN counter-terrorism efforts are increasingly opaque, unaccountable and out of step with UN values.  
08.01.2024 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication
The UN Summit of the Future: A Fight at the End of the Tunnel?
…crises keep multilateralism in turmoil, but ambitious reforms are still on the table. What to expect from the 2024 UN Summit of the Future?  
02.06.2022 | Inclusive Economy | Publication
The potential of a UN Tax Convention and a “Race to the Top Alliance”
The discussion about a UN Tax Convention is moving from a question of “Should we have one?” to “How would we do it?”  
28.04.2021 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication
The Folly of Vaccine Monopolies
To defeat the pandemic we need to lift patent protections on Covid-19 vaccines.  
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