
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
03.08.2022 | Sustaining Peace | Publication
Humanitarian Action on Nuclear Weapons
The UN's review conference on nuclear weapons was overshadowed by geopolitics, but a focus on humanitarian issues may be the way forward.  
20.07.2022 | Sustaining Peace | Publication
UN-brokered truce in Yemen: Give Peace – and the UN – a chance
While the eyes of the world are on Russia's war in Ukraine, significant diplomatic progress has been achieved in Yemen.  
73. Progressive Post: "Do you hear the people sing?"  
Dr. Ania Skrypzek, Director for Research and Training at the Foundations for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), reviews our "World Protests" Study in "The Progressive Post".  
74. Vorwärts: „Warum die SPD eine neue Vorstellung von Fortschritt braucht“ (DE)  
FES NY Director Michael Bröning in "Vorwaerts": More and more people perceive change as threatening. The Left needs a completely new concept of progress.  
20.06.2022 | 2030 Agenda | Event
2030 and beyond? The road to sustainable global development
Watch our online roundtable on the future of sustainable development with Members of the European Parliament and international experts.  
76. POLITICO: "Don’t give me truth: The pitfalls of fighting misinformation"  
As governments become the arbiters of reality, what we need is open debate. Michael Bröning in "POLITICO".  
02.06.2022 | Inclusive Economy | Publication
The potential of a UN Tax Convention and a “Race to the Top Alliance”
The discussion about a UN Tax Convention is moving from a question of “Should we have one?” to “How would we do it?”  
78. POLITICO: "Ukrainians in no mood for concessions"  
FES brought a high-level delegation of Ukrainian decision-makers to New York. During their visit, they shared their first-hand experiences of the war with POLITICO.  
18.05.2022 | Sustaining Peace | Publication
Kleine Reform, große Wirkung?
Wer im Sicherheitsrat ein Veto benutzt, muss sich dafür künftig vor der UNO-Vollversammlung rechtfertigen.  
18.05.2022 | Inclusive Economy | Publication
Tax certainty options in the context of BEPS 2.0
As corporate tax dodging continues, the need for a coherent set of clear and simple rules is greater than ever.  
Search results 71 until 80 of 288