
Search results on FES New York website

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326 results:
| 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
Preserving Democratic Spaces - Overcoming Challenges to Civil Society Engagement
Germany’s Parliamentary State Secretary for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Bärbel Kofler, met with civil society leaders in New York.  
| Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication
The Urgency of a United Nations Charter Review Conference
The UN system has outlived its usefulness and it is now urgent to design a global institution that is reflective of the twenty-first century.  
73. Global Study: The Impact of Counter-Terrorism on Civil Society & Civic Space  
New study by UN Special Rapporteur finds widespread "misuse of counter-terrorism... measures and practices" at the expense of civil society.  
| Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Event
Geoeconomic fragmentation: what risks for the financial and monetary system?
Will "geoeconomic fragmentation" lead to a global economy of conflicting blocs, each with its own rules, regulations & standards?  
| 2030 Agenda | Event
Getting the SDGs back on track - Perspectives from Civil Society
Germany's Development Minister, Svenja Schulze, met leading experts in New York to discuss how we can get the UN's 2030 Agenda back on track.  
| Sustaining Peace | Publication
Laws for LAWS
Emerging military technologies like lethal autonomous weapons (LAWS) are dangerously under-regulated. It's time to change that.  
| Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Event
Fit for future? - A Global Digital Compact for Gender Justice
During CSW67, we launched the "Charter of Feminists Demands" for a gender equitable digital future.  
78. Vorwärts: „Wie der Ukraine-Krieg die Vereinten Nationen verändert“  
Ein Jahr Krieg in der Ukraine: Die UNO konnte den Konflikt bisher nicht lösen. Warum das so ist, beschreibt Michael Bröning im vorwärts.  
79. CSW67 Networking Reception  
Together with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, we brought together a diverse group of stakeholders for an evening of informal exchange.  
| Inclusive Economy | Publication
Brief: World Protests 2021-2022
Around the world, people have become increasingly angry at the failures of their governments - democratically elected or not - to address their needs.  
Search results 71 until 80 of 326