
Search results on FES New York website

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332 results:
| Inclusive Economy | Event
Roundtable on Advancing Debt Sustainability
Together with UN DESA, we co-hosted an expert roundtable on advancing debt sustainability in pursuit of sustainable development.  
| Sustaining Peace | Event
Addressing the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons
At a time of increasing nuclear tensions, focusing on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons use and testing can build much-needed trust.  
63. IPG: "Fair taxation for all"  
The Global South wants to strengthen the role of the UN in global tax policy. But the North is united in its opposition.  
| Inclusive Economy | Event
Reforming International Taxation
This roundtable discussion brought together eminent economists, tax experts, and diplomats to deliberate on the prospects of global tax reform.  
| Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
Fall Academy 2023
Once again, we brought a group of young leaders from across the globe to the United Nations in New York for a week of learning and exchange.  
| Inclusive Economy | Publication
De-risking the Global Financial System
This new report by economist Paola Subacchi explores the risks of fragmentation in the international financial and monetary systems.  
67. Marrakesh Economic Festival  
The Marrakesh Economic Festival offered a multi-day program bringing together some of the world's leading economic minds.  
68. "Umfrage: Deutsche wollen mehr Engagement der Vereinten Nationen"  
Die neue FES Global Census Umfrage zu den Vereinten Nationen und aktuellen Fragen des Multilateralismus bei  
| Inclusive Economy | Event
Debt Sustainability in the Global Financial Architecture
This meeting convened leading economists in preparation of a report on the role of debt sustainability analyses in the global financial architecture.  
70. SWR 2: "Unreformierbare UN?"  
Zur Generalversammlung ist die Reform des UN-Sicherheitsrats in aller Munde. Doch was bedeutet das konkret? Mehr dazu von Volker Lehmann im Gespräch mit dem SWR 2 Morgenmagazin.  
Search results 61 until 70 of 332