
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
101. Tagesspiegel: "Die Freiheitsrechte bleiben eingeschränkt"  
Josef Braml's new anti-terror study for FES New York reviewed in Germany's "Der Tagesspiegel".  
102. Project Syndicate: "The New-Old Sovereign-Debt Challenge"  
José Antonio Ocampo's op-ed highlighting findings from the "Roundtable Report: Responding to Risks of Covid Debt Distress" in "Project Syndicate".  
103. Passblue: "What Now, António?"  
A FESNY essay by Thomas G. Weiss on the reappointment of UN Secretary-General Guterres featured in "Passblue".  
104. Equal Times: "Is the end of corporate tax evasion and tax havens finally in sight?"  
Sara Burke (Senior Policy Analyst, FES New York) presenting the "Good Global Citzens" initiative on corporate tax justice in "Equal Times".  
105. Politico: "U.S. quiet diplomacy vs. China’s cynical posturing"  
Michael Bröning (Executive Director, FES New York) commenting on the Middle East peace process in "Politico".  
106. Vox: "The 'TikTok intifada'"  
Michael Bröning (Executive Director, FES New York) commenting on the use of social media in the 2021 Gaza crisis in "Vox".  
107. Guardian: "Joe Biden: six months on, cold, hard reality eclipses early euphoria"  
Michael Bröning (Executive Director, FES New York) commenting on President Joe Biden and international cooperation in "The Guardian".  
108. Business Daily: "Kenyans most optimistic in the world about Biden's presidency"  
The 2021 global opinion poll on U.S. leadership and international affairs by FES New York and YouGov featured in "Business Daily" (Kenya).  
109. Tagesspiegel: "Biden weckt Hoffnung und Zweifel zugleich"  
Our global opinion poll on Joe Biden, U.S. leadership and the future of international cooperation featured in "Der Tagesspiegel" (Germany).  
110. Bloomberg: "World Loves Biden But is Losing Faith in the U.S., Survey Says"  
The 2021 FES/YouGov global opinion poll on Biden, U.S. leadership and international cooperation reviewed in "Bloomberg".  
Search results 101 until 110 of 288