More Publications from FES New York

The practices of sovereign debt sustainability analysis

Guzmán, Martín; Stiglitz, Joseph E.

The practices of sovereign debt sustainability analysis

Bonn, 2024

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How to ensure debt sustainability accelerates sustainable development

Martin, Matthew

How to ensure debt sustainability accelerates sustainable development

Bonn, 2024

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How transparency makes debt sustainability analyses a trusted and effective tool

Hurley, Gail

How transparency makes debt sustainability analyses a trusted and effective tool

Bonn, 2024

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An appraisal of debt sustainability analyses amid multiple crises

Raga, Sherillyn

An appraisal of debt sustainability analyses amid multiple crises

Bonn, 2024

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Financing the United Nations

Baumann, Max-Otto; Haug, Sebastian

Financing the United Nations

Status quo, challenges and reform options
Bonn, 2024

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De-risking the global financial system

Subacchi, Paola

De-risking the global financial system

Forging a 'new consensus'
Bonn, 2023

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Brief: World protests 2021-2022

Brief: World protests 2021-2022

NewYork, 2023

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Laws for laws

Minor, Elizabeth

Laws for laws

Towards a treaty to regulate lethal autonomous weapons
Bonn, 2023

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UN in focus

NewYork;Bonn, 2022

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Food, energy & cost of living protests, 2022

Hossain, Naomi; Hallock, Jeffrey

Food, energy & cost of living protests, 2022

NewYork, 2022

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New York Office

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New York, NY 10017

+1 (212) 687-0208


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