More Publications from FES New York

Function before form

Attree, Larry

Function before form

Optimising the UNʿs counter-terrorism architecture
Bonn, 2022

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Humanitarian action on nuclear weapons

Bolton, Matthew Breay

Humanitarian action on nuclear weapons

Reinvigorating nuclear diplomacy in the NPT and beyond
Bonn, 2022

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Grundstein oder Grabstein der UN?

Lehmann, Volker

Grundstein oder Grabstein der UN?

Was eine kleine Reform des Vetos im Sicherheitsrat für die Handlungsfähigkeit der Vereinten Nationen bedeuten könnte
Bonn, 2022

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Tax certainty options in the context of BEPS 2.0

Quiñones, Natalia

Tax certainty options in the context of BEPS 2.0

NewYork, 2022

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World protests

World protests

A study of key protest issues in the 21st century
NewYork, 2022

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Responding to risks of Covid debt distress

Responding to risks of Covid debt distress

Roundtable report
NewYork, 2022

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Anti-Terrorismusgesetze und Machtbefugnisse

Braml, Josef

Anti-Terrorismusgesetze und Machtbefugnisse

Eine Bestandsaufnahme der G20-Staaten 20 Jahre nach 9/11
Berlin, 2021

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Anti-terrorism laws and powers

Braml, Josef

Anti-terrorism laws and powers

An inventory of the G20 States 20 years after 9/11
Berlin, 2021

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Addressing the threat of autonomous weapons

Addressing the threat of autonomous weapons

Maintaining meaningful human control
Berlin, 2021

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Growth and structural change

Bhorat, Haroon; Asmal, Zaakhir; Allen, Caitlin

Growth and structural change

Implications for income inequality in developing countries
Berlin, 2020

Download publication (900 KB, PDF-File)

New York Office

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New York, NY 10017

+1 (212) 687-0208


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