
Search results on FES New York website

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326 results:
| Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Event
Recalibrating German Foreign Policy after the "Zeitenwende”
During his visit to New York, SPD Co-Chair Lars Klingbeil participated in a timely discussion about reorienting German economic and foreign policy in times of "Zeitenwende".  
| 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication
Study: China's Expanding Engagement with the UN Development Pillar
China has become an increasingly visible player across the UN development pillar, giving rise to competing narratives.  
| 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
Fall Academy 2022
The FES Fall Academy returns. After a 2-year hiatus, we were delighted to bring a group of young leaders from across the globe to the UN in New York.  
94. "Thinking Allowed" on BBC 4: Protests  
FESNY's Sara Burke spoke with Laurie Taylor, the host of the long-running BBC podcast “Thinking Allowed”, about her research into protest movements.  
95. LA NACION: "A 100 días de su renuncia: Martín Guzmán reapareció en público junto a Joseph Stiglitz y habló de la deuda con el FMI" (ES)  
Our discussion on the "Global South under Debt Distress" with Joseph Stiglitz and Martin Guzman covered in Argentina's "La Nacion" (ES only).  
96. IPG: „Wie Autos ohne Ersatzreifen“ (DE)  
Nobelpreisträger Joseph E. Stiglitz über Putins Angriffskrieg, die globale Schuldenkrise, deutsche Atomkraftwerke und Wege aus der Krise.  
97. Vorwärts: "Ukraine-Annexionen: Was das Votum der UN-Vollversammlung bedeutet" (DE)  
The world community opposes the annexation of eastern Ukraine by a large majority at the UN General Assembly. But once again, the decisive factor is who abstains.  
| Inclusive Economy | Event
Toward a More Equal Future: Social Protection – A driver for women’s empowerment
We co-hosted a discussion on social protection and women's empowerment with German Minister for Development, Svenja Schulze, and a high-level panel.  
| Inclusive Economy | Event
The Global South under Debt Distress
We teamed up with IPD at Columbia University for a timely discussion with renowned economic experts, including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Argentina's Martín Guzmán.  
100. El Pais: "Italia constata el avance de la extrema derecha en Europa"  
The rise of far-right populism in Italy and across Europe is also sustained by the arrival of young voters. Michael Bröning in "El Pais" (ES only).  
Search results 91 until 100 of 326