
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
15.05.2020 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication
Forging a Feminist Future in the COVID-19 Recovery
A feminist response must address four key areas: bodily autonomy, ecological sustainability, the care economy, and just financial flows.  
162. Global Quarantine X  
International cooperation is under pressure in the corona pandemic. The G20, UN and IMF are bucking the trend.  
163. Social Protection Floor – Social Security for All  
This new interactive map identifies global gaps in financing for social protection floors.  
164. Overwhelming public support for global cooperation  
95% of respondents to a recent UN study agreed that global cooperation is necessary to manage global trends.  
165. 'People of all countries want a world without nuclear weapons'  
The outdated dogma of nuclear deterrence and other means of achieving security.  
30.03.2020 | Inclusive Economy | Publication
Rising Inequality
COVID-19 is exacerbating inequalities of all kinds. What can the World Bank do?  
22.02.2020 | Sustaining Peace | Publication
MACROSCOPE: African-Led Peace Operations - An Evaluation
African-led peace operations face important challenges, but their level of achievement is noteworthy.  
20.02.2020 | Sustaining Peace | Event
Examining African-led Peace Operations
What are the comparative advantages and challenges of African-led peace operations?  
20.02.2020 | 2030 Agenda, Inclusive Economy | Event
Civil Society Forum 2020
The message is clear: We need global, multisectoral and comprehensive action to end homelessness.  
20.02.2020 | Inclusive Economy | Event
Partnership with ECOSOC President Helps Strengthen Annual Talks with IMF and World Bank Directors
FES enables innovations and the participation of additional developing countries for meetings to jump start the Decade of Action on the SDGs.  
Search results 161 until 170 of 288