
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
141. Taking Stock: A Historic Election  
Our colleagues in Washington, D.C. analyze the 2020 US presidential election.  
16.10.2020 | Inclusive Economy | Publication
The other second wave
Covid-19 has thrown the global economy into turmoil. At the annual meetings of IMF and World Bank, the future of austerity was at stake.  
15.10.2020 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
Advancing the UN75 Declaration
How can we strengthen and renew global governance together?  
144. It's time for tangible results!  
Together with our partners, we discussed ways to revive global cooperation for the common good.  
145. Building Back Better  
What's the role of National Development Banks and State-Owned Enterprises in the COVID-19 recovery?  
24.09.2020 | Sustaining Peace | Event
New Alliances for Meaningful Human Control
Lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) pose a danger to us all. How can we curb them?  
22.09.2020 | Inclusive Economy | Event
Good Global Citizens
Check out our new initiative on wealth transparency and responsible tax conduct.  
148. UNited for a New Multilateralism  
Find the policy report with concrete proposals for a new, fair and inclusive multilateralism here.  
03.09.2020 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
FES New York 2020 Virtual Fall Academy
The first-ever virtual Fall Academy brings together young leaders for a series of interactive discussions.  
150. Tiergarten Conference 2020  
How can we achieve cooperative security in times of heightened confrontation?  
Search results 141 until 150 of 288