
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
151. UN75 Global Governance Forum  
The UN75 Global Governance Forum discussed a "Roadmap for the Future We Want & UN We Need."  
27.07.2020 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication
The HLPF in times of COVID
The first-ever virtual HLPF was a disappointment, both substantively and organizationally.  
21.07.2020 | Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication
A "Grand Bargain" for IMF/WTO Reform
Rising geopolitical tensions and the "war" against Covid-19 are straining the institutions that underpin international economic interdependence.  
154. Is redistribution necessary to reduce inequality?  
Germany has kept income inequality low by redistribution of wealth through taxes and transfers. Are there better ways to combat inequality?  
30.06.2020 | News
Welcome Michael Bröning!
Dr. Michael Bröning is the new Executive Director of FES New York.  
24.06.2020 | Multilateralism 4.0 | News
Does global cooperation still matter?
Learn more about why we need global cooperation - now and in the future!  
27.05.2020 | 2030 Agenda, Inclusive Economy | Publication
Strong Labour Market Institutions
The 2019 FES/ITUC Policy Research Fellow finds World Bank and IMF lending fails to adequately support UN goals on decent work and equity.  
158. Gemeinsam Einsam?  
Was können Deutschland und Europa dieses Jahr im UN-Sicherheitsrat erreichen?  
159. UN75 People's Declaration  
The UN75 People's Declaration & Global Plan for Action was formally handed over to the UN on May 14.  
160. Social protection systems for all  
Shahra Razavi expertly narrates how the current crisis is affecting social protection systems worldwide and what must be done to "build back better."  
Search results 151 until 160 of 288