
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
26.11.2018 | Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication
"Making 'Never Again' a Reality"
Germany is uniquely positioned - and obligated - to prioritize atrocity prevention on the international stage.  
20.11.2018 | Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
Launch Event: "Making 'Never Again' a Reality"
Germany's term on the Security Council brings both an opportunity and an obligation to honor its history by advancing atrocity prevention.  
07.11.2018 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Publication
"The 2030 Agenda: An Unprecedented Statistical Challenge"
The 2030 measurement framework presents challenges and possible unintended consequences for countries, their statistical systems and the broader information ecosystem.  
05.11.2018 | 2030 Agenda, Inclusive Economy | Event
"Global Trade Union Strategy Meeting"
FES New York and PSI teamed-up to host a Global Trade Union Strategy Meeting in preparation of key UN summits in 2019.  
24.10.2018 | Sustaining Peace | Event
"Fostering inclusion to build resilient societies"
Women's meaningful inclusion and participation in peace processes is critical to the establishment of sustainable peace and resilient societies.  
22.10.2018 | 2030 Agenda | Event
FES New York 2018 Fall Academy
The 2030 Agenda needs young leaders from across the globe to push it forward and make it a reality.  
15.10.2018 | 2030 Agenda, Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
"UN2020 Information, Organization and Strategy Meeting Responding to Multilateralism in Crisis"
The upcoming 75th anniversary of the UN provides an opportunity to renew momentum for a more "people-centered" multilateralism, both inside and outside the UN.  
10.10.2018 | Sustaining Peace, Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
Victim Assistance and Environmental Remediation in States and Territories Affected by Nuclear Weapons Testing in the Pacific
Nuclear weapons use, testing, development and production have caused multi-generational human harm and persistent environmental damage that pose a threat to sustainable development.  
01.10.2018 | 2030 Agenda, Inclusive Economy | Publication
2018 Financial Impact Report: "Are the Multilateral Organizations Fighting Inequality?"
2018 policies of the IMF and World Bank show some improvements in reducing inequalities, but more work remains to be done.  
230. Make the United Nations patriotic again? Donald Trump at the General Assembly  
In a reshaped multilateral order, democracy on the national and global levels are mutually reinforcing and a reformed, well-resourced and more democratic UN is at the centre.  
Search results 221 until 230 of 288