
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
28.06.2018 | Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Event
“Preventing Mass Atrocity Crimes – Is there a Responsibility Not to Veto?”
Should there be a norm against the use of veto power in cases of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes?  
22.06.2018 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
"Preparing the UN 2020 Summit"
The 75th anniversary of the United Nations in 2020 presents a unique opportunity to renew and strengthen the organization.  
243. "The Global Compact for Migration must promote decent work for all"  
The Global Compact for Migration is an opportunity for states to improve how they engage with migrant populations, but some states are advancing anti-worker and anti-migrant recommendations.  
25.05.2018 | Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Publication
"In the Hot Seat: What can Germany Achieve in the Security Council?"
Germany’s time on the Security Council brings an opportunity for Berlin to demonstrate that it is ready to play at the highest level of global crisis management.  
17.05.2018 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Event
“President or Paper Tiger? Strengthening the Role of the President of the UN General Assembly”
It is time to review and to strengthen the functioning of the Presidency of the General Assembly so that the office as an institution can deliver more effectively on the expectations of UN Member…  
15.05.2018 | Sustaining Peace | Publication
"Forging Resilient Social Contracts: A Pathway to Preventing Violent Conflict and Sustaining Peace"
This Summary Findings Report introduces the project context, the project’s research framing, and findings from nine of the 11 case studies.  
10.05.2018 | Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Event
"Labour Migration and the Global Compact: Ensuring Rights, Protections and a Decent Work Agenda"
Employment prospects in destination countries and the lack of decent work opportunities in origin countries are a driving force for millions of migrants.  
09.05.2018 | Multilateralism 4.0, Sustaining Peace | Event
"Resilient Social Contracts and Sustaining Peace"
To better understand—and indeed strengthen—the relationship between the state and the citizen, it is important to examine what drives inclusive and resilient social contracts within different…  
23.04.2018 | Inclusive Economy | Publication
"Making Banks Better"
Ten years after the last financial crisis, large banks are still creating risky financial instruments faster than policymakers can regulate them. Bank workers around the world are under pressure to…  
18.04.2018 | Inclusive Economy | Event
“Moving Forward on Debt and Debt Sustainability: With a special focus on the situation of Caribbean Countries”
On the sidelines of the 2018 FfD Forum, FES and partners have teamed up to present a luncheon and roundtable - with a special focus on the situation of Caribbean countries - to discuss sovereign debt…  
Search results 241 until 250 of 288