
Search results on FES New York website

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288 results:
03.10.2022 | Inclusive Economy | Event
The Global South under Debt Distress
We teamed up with IPD at Columbia University for a timely discussion with renowned economic experts, including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Argentina's Martín Guzmán.  
62. El Pais: "Italia constata el avance de la extrema derecha en Europa"  
The rise of far-right populism in Italy and across Europe is also sustained by the arrival of young voters. Michael Bröning in "El Pais" (ES only).  
63. TIME: "Why Trump's 'Stop the Steal' Tactics Could Soon Reach Brazil"  
Ahead of a highly anticipated general election, 44% of Brazilians believe their country is becoming less democratic. Our Global Census opinion poll featured in "TIME".  
64. POLITICO: "Global Insider"  
Findings from our 2022 "Global Census" opinion poll were covered in POLITICO's "Global Insider".  
65. Vorwärts: „Umfrage vor UN-Generaldebatte: So ist die weltweite Stimmung“ (DE)  
Russia's war in Ukraine has the world pessimistic about the future. But the new "Global Census" poll by FES shows there's also good news for the UN General Assembly.  
23.09.2022 | Multilateralism 4.0 | Publication
Global Census Poll 2022
Public opinion turns more pessimistic amid global crises, but support for international cooperation and solidarity with Ukraine remain strong.  
67. For Good Measure: Introducing the Multilateralism Index  
Together with IPI and partners, FESNY co-hosted the launch of the Multilateralism Index. Learn more and watch the recap here.  
68. Virtual Event: Forsaken Futures  
This event by Project Syndicate and partners brought together leading experts to discuss the climate crisis and what must be done now.  
22.08.2022 | Sustaining Peace | Publication
New study on UN’s counterterrorism architecture
Led and bankrolled by undemocratic states with deep pockets, UN counter-terrorism efforts are increasingly opaque, unaccountable and out of step with UN values.  
70. Global Policy: "Hegel on the Hudson: Why the End of the End of History spells trouble for the United Nations"  
As the gap between the UN's global governance ambitions and political reality grows ever wider, the future of the world organization is increasingly uncertain, writes Michael Bröning in "Global…  
Search results 61 until 70 of 288