
Search results on FES New York website

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333 results:
| Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Event
Geoeconomic fragmentation: what risks for the financial and monetary system?
Will "geoeconomic fragmentation" lead to a global economy of conflicting blocs, each with its own rules, regulations & standards?  
| 2030 Agenda | Event
Getting the SDGs back on track - Perspectives from Civil Society
Germany's Development Minister, Svenja Schulze, met leading experts in New York to discuss how we can get the UN's 2030 Agenda back on track.  
| Sustaining Peace | Publication
Laws for LAWS
Emerging military technologies like lethal autonomous weapons (LAWS) are dangerously under-regulated. It's time to change that.  
| Multilateralism 4.0, Inclusive Economy | Event
Fit for future? - A Global Digital Compact for Gender Justice
During CSW67, we launched the "Charter of Feminists Demands" for a gender equitable digital future.  
85. Vorwärts: „Wie der Ukraine-Krieg die Vereinten Nationen verändert“  
Ein Jahr Krieg in der Ukraine: Die UNO konnte den Konflikt bisher nicht lösen. Warum das so ist, beschreibt Michael Bröning im vorwärts.  
86. CSW67 Networking Reception  
Together with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, we brought together a diverse group of stakeholders for an evening of informal exchange.  
| Inclusive Economy | Publication
Brief: World Protests 2021-2022
Around the world, people have become increasingly angry at the failures of their governments - democratically elected or not - to address their needs.  
| Inclusive Economy | Publication
Food, energy & cost of living protests, 2022
2022 saw unprecedented protests about the basics needed for everyday life, signaling a global economic failure to provide goods at prices people can afford.  
89. Tagesspiegel: Welt erlebt „Welle der Unzufriedenheit“  
Politische Repräsentation, Bürgerrechte und wirtschaftliche Gerechtigkeit: Vor allem dafür gingen Menschen laut einer Studie der FES in den vergangenen zwei Jahren auf die Straße.  
90. Civil Society Forum 2023  
During the 61st session of the UN Commission on Social Development, the NGO CSocD Civil Society Forum was held on Friday, February 10.  
Search results 81 until 90 of 333