Alongside IT for Change and partners, FES co-hosted a Side Event during this year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
On March 4, FES co-hosted an off-the-record discussion with UN diplomats on addressing inequality within the Financing for Development (FfD) process.
Despite global commitments to a nuclear-free future, the world is witnessing a resurgence of nuclear armament and escalating risks.
The ongoing violence in Israel-Palestine underscores the urgent need for a renewed two-state solution, as outlined in the “A Land for All” proposal.
The 2025 Civil Society Forum at UN Headquarters in New York advocated for more social development, protection and cohesion worldwide.
As inequality rises, 1% of the global population controls over 95% of global wealth, and billions of people are left behind.
FES NY hosted a discussion with political strategist Dirk Meyer (BMZ) on US & German elections and their impact on multilateral cooperation.
On February 6, we hosted an off-the-record discussion with Niels Annen, Germany's candidate for next UNHCR High Commissioner.
This event by the American Council on Germany, 1014, and FES explored the key global trends emerging from the 2024 “Super Election Year.”
This year's FES Fall Academy hosted young leaders from 13 countries across 6 continents for a week-long seminar in New York.
In an increasingly uncertain and fragmented world, new challenges for the global economy arise.
On October 17th, IPI, IEP, and FES New York launched the 2024 Multilateralism Index.
On Sept 23, FES New York and Global Policy Forum Europe hosted a discussion on what's next in the reform of the international financial architecture.
The 2024 NYC Climate Week event by Project Syndicate and partners brought together global leaders from politics, business, and academia.
On Sept 19, we hosted the New York book launch of "A New Global Deal," by the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), FES, and partners.
The UN has resolved major wars in the past but seems unable to do so today. As violent conflicts continue, what role can the UN play?
Global progress on the 2030 Agenda is way off track. As high debt burdens stifle spending on sustainable development, SDG stimulus is urgently needed.
FES and Jubilee USA Network co-hosted a Special Seminar for Executive Directors' Offices of the IMF and World Bank in Washington, D.C.
At the FfD4 PrepCom, we co-hosted a side event on how Debt Sustainability Assessments (DSAs) fit to today's global & development challenges.
During this year's HLPF in New York, FES and partners teamed up for a Side Event on reforming the global tax system and reducing inequalities.
How can we strengthen the Protection of Civilians (PoC) in an increasingly uncertain peace & security environment?
Liberalism is under threat - both internationally and domestically. Can we avoid block confrontation and safeguard vital platforms for cooperation?
Alongside UN DESA, we brought together leading experts for an interactive discussion on debt sustainability.
On April 15, FES New York hosted an interactive luncheon discussion with Members of the German Parliament Andreas Larem and Rebecca Schamber.
Alongside our partners, we brought South Sudanese experts to the UN in New York to discuss the path to credible elections in South Sudan.
On Feb 21, we were pleased to host an exchange between Dirk Meyer, Director-General at Germany's BMZ, and civil society experts in New York.
Together with SIPRI and partners, we launched the final report of the "New Geopolitics of Peace Operations" initiative.
The American Council on Germany and FES New York hosted a reception & discussion with Member of the German Bundestag, Metin Hakverdi (SPD).
The CSF 2024 provided a platform for civil society to strategize on social development and the implementation of the UN's 2030 Agenda. Watch here.
Together with UN DESA, we co-hosted an expert roundtable on advancing debt sustainability in pursuit of sustainable development.
At a time of increasing nuclear tensions, focusing on the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons use and testing can build much-needed trust.
This roundtable discussion brought together eminent economists, tax experts, and diplomats to deliberate on the prospects of global tax reform.
Once again, we brought a group of young leaders from across the globe to the United Nations in New York for a week of learning and exchange.
The 2023 Annual Meetings of the IMF and World Bank were held in Marrakesh. FES and partners took an active role in the discussions.
The Marrakesh Economic Festival offered a multi-day program bringing together some of the world's leading economic minds.
This meeting convened leading economists in preparation of a report on the role of debt sustainability analyses in the global financial architecture.
During UNGA, this high-level discussion with Minister Svenja Schulze explored how to update the multilateral architecture to achieve the SDGs.
Alongside Project Syndicate, we co-hosted an online discussion on how to finance sustainable development and climate action.
Tech experts, government representatives and UN officials gathered at FES NY to discuss a Common Blueprint for Digital Transformations.
Germany’s Parliamentary State Secretary for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Bärbel Kofler, met with civil society leaders in New York.
Will "geoeconomic fragmentation" lead to a global economy of conflicting blocs, each with its own rules, regulations & standards?
Germany's Development Minister, Svenja Schulze, met leading experts in New York to discuss how we can get the UN's 2030 Agenda back on track.
The cost of living crisis has propelled an unprecedented wave of protests worldwide and governments must respond.
During CSW67, we launched the "Charter of Feminists Demands" for a gender equitable digital future.
Together with Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, we brought together a diverse group of stakeholders for an evening of informal exchange.
During the 61st session of the UN Commission on Social Development, the NGO CSocD Civil Society Forum was held on Friday, February 10.
Alongside UN-DESA and the UN Foundation, FES New York hosted a Financing for Development (FfD) mini-retreat for UN Member States.
During his visit to New York, SPD Co-Chair Lars Klingbeil participated in a timely discussion about reorienting German economic and foreign policy in…
The FES Fall Academy returns. After a 2-year hiatus, we were delighted to bring a group of young leaders from across the globe to the UN in New York.
We co-hosted a discussion on social protection and women's empowerment with German Minister for Development, Svenja Schulze, and a high-level panel.
We teamed up with IPD at Columbia University for a timely discussion with renowned economic experts, including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and…
Together with IPI and partners, FESNY co-hosted the launch of the Multilateralism Index. Learn more and watch the recap here.
This event by Project Syndicate and partners brought together leading experts to discuss the climate crisis and what must be done now.
Watch our online roundtable on the future of sustainable development with Members of the European Parliament and international experts.
FES and the International Peace Institute (IPI) co-hosted a discussion with Ukrainian women leaders.
Spotlight report about key issues affecting migrants at the grassroots, national and regional levels.
On March 15th, FES and IT for Change hosted a discussion on gender-inclusive digital economies.
After Chancellor Scholz's trip to D.C., Bundestag Member Nils Schmid (SPD) talks about German and European leadership in the face of the unfolding…
Feb 4, 9 & 11: The 2022 Civil Society Forum discusses strategies for an inclusive global recovery from Covid-19 with a particular focus on combatting…
On January 28, the American Council on Germany and the New York Office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung hosted a conversation with Bundestag Member…
At New Summits, leading experts in finance, economics, and civil society discussed some of the key climate challenges and opportunities ahead.
What are the main challenges to overcome the current regional integration crisis in Latin America?
The pandemic has dealt a heavy blow to peace, security, and justice across the globe. Learn more about our discussion during the UN's HLPF.
UN Chief António Guterres and FES President Martin Schulz discussed global vaccine justice during this year's Global Solutions Summit.
What ideas are German and European Social Democrats pursuing to make the EU fit for the 21st century?
Learn more about the "Amman Principles" of national mechanisms for gender equality and women's empowerment.
This expert dialogue with Dr. Jürgen Zattler, BMZ, discussed opportunities for the World Bank and others to build more effective and equitable…
Join us in building momentum around the call for a new World Summit on Social Development.
The first-ever virtual Civil Society Forum addressed the role of digital technologies in social development.
This event brought together a diverse group of actors to discuss how we can jointly strengthen international cooperation - now and in the future.
FES and partners discussed the current state of the multilateral nuclear order.
Our colleagues in Washington, D.C. analyze the 2020 US presidential election.
How can we strengthen and renew global governance together?
Together with our partners, we discussed ways to revive global cooperation for the common good.
What's the role of National Development Banks and State-Owned Enterprises in the COVID-19 recovery?
Lethal autonomous weapon systems (LAWS) pose a danger to us all. How can we curb them?
Check out our new initiative on wealth transparency and responsible tax conduct.
Find the policy report with concrete proposals for a new, fair and inclusive multilateralism here.
The first-ever virtual Fall Academy brings together young leaders for a series of interactive discussions.
How can we achieve cooperative security in times of heightened confrontation?
The UN75 Global Governance Forum discussed a "Roadmap for the Future We Want & UN We Need."
Germany has kept income inequality low by redistribution of wealth through taxes and transfers. Are there better ways to combat inequality?
Was können Deutschland und Europa dieses Jahr im UN-Sicherheitsrat erreichen?
The UN75 People's Declaration & Global Plan for Action was formally handed over to the UN on May 14.
What are the comparative advantages and challenges of African-led peace operations?
The message is clear: We need global, multisectoral and comprehensive action to end homelessness.
FES enables innovations and the participation of additional developing countries for meetings to jump start the Decade of Action on the SDGs.
The year 2020 offers several opportunities for consolidating political will to enhance action for financing sustainable development.
New Trade Union Expert Group discussed better practices for designing labor market institutions with the IMF research department
FES and partners brought together a distinguished group of international decision-makers and experts to discuss much-needed reforms to global economic…
We need young leaders to achieve the SDGs!
What is the UN we need and how do we get there?
Young women often have less access to prevention spaces at national, regional and institutional levels.
Efforts to address global corporate tax issues have previously stalled. Is a consensus for reform emerging?
It's time to discuss whether the IFIs effectively contribute to inequality reduction, decent work and economic growth.
The IMF claims that its policies are helping countries to address inequalities. However, country-level evidence suggests that IMF advice and loan…
This event considered novel approaches to improve global governance in the run-up to the UN@75 Summit.
The climate emergency is becoming clearer than ever, but progressive policies can help us meet the challenge ahead.
Access to land, water and extractives is among the key risk areas for violent conflict.
Four years after the adoption of the 2030 Agenda the world is off-track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Income and wealth inequality run rampant across the globe. How can we move towards a new fiscal compact for sustainable development?
What do the Malians think about the multidimensional crisis facing the country?
Improving today's global security, justice, and economic architecture requires fresh ideas and perspectives.
How can we ensure that persons with disabilities have the same socio-economic opportunities as everyone else?
Since 2015 the discussions among regional experts on a WMD-free Zone in the Middle East with their extra-regional counterparts have been unproductive.
Topics covered at this side event include prospects for a successful NPT Review Conference, the Secretary-General’s 2018 report on disarmament, the…
While there is a growing consensus among civil society and States of the need for bridge building within the NPT on the issue of nuclear disarmament,…
This edition of the FES NY conference series "Der Draht zum Rat" looked back at the month of April, during which Germany held the presidency of the UN…
In many countries, weak governance fuels violence and insecurity. And improved governance can play an essential role in sustaining peace and…
Innovative mechanisms are needed to meet increasing debt challenges.
It has been estimated that, over the coming decades, a large portion of all current jobs will either change significantly or disappear entirely.
The way forward for international tax policy requires consensus. Negotiators should seek sustainable solutions based on clear and appropriate…
This discussion presented a spectrum of views from networks of elites to "regulation from below".
Since 160 women’s rights and allied organizations signed a unity statement, the Gender and Trade Coalition has grown to over 200 members.
Research and women's lived experiences show that gender equality is linked to inclusive human security.
Feminist activists and experts from across the globe gathered for an evening of informal discussion and exchange.
Mutual concerns: global financial stability, effective regulation, and the role of trade unions in the multilateral system
The SDGs ushered in a new era of ‘governance by indicators’ in global development.
What is needed for an inclusive and sustainable ending of the conflict in South Sudan?
Across the globe, in diverse cultural and national contexts, signs abound of a fraying of the social fabric.
International rules and global economic governance arrangements should be changed to counteract increasing inequality within and among countries.
What does innovation in and by the UN look like?
UN expert Richard Gowan (Senior Fellow, UN University Centre for Policy Research) stopped by FESNY for our very first "Der Draht zum Rat" (Eng: "The…
In a 2-day retreat, governments prepared to chart the way forward amidst an increasingly challenging global economy.
Germany's term on the Security Council brings both an opportunity and an obligation to honor its history by advancing atrocity prevention.
FES New York and PSI teamed-up to host a Global Trade Union Strategy Meeting in preparation of key UN summits in 2019.
Women's meaningful inclusion and participation in peace processes is critical to the establishment of sustainable peace and resilient societies.
The 2030 Agenda needs young leaders from across the globe to push it forward and make it a reality.
The upcoming 75th anniversary of the UN provides an opportunity to renew momentum for a more "people-centered" multilateralism, both inside and…
Nuclear weapons use, testing, development and production have caused multi-generational human harm and persistent environmental damage that pose a…
Bank and finance workers can play a role to support meaningful regulation of the global financial sector to create an enabling economic environment to…
To create real potential for the UN’s 2030 Agenda, the financial sector and its largest institutions must be brought back into service of the real,…
FEPS, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and partners teamed-up in support of a new, progressive vision on migration.
Reform of the global tax system is urgently needed to improve domestic resource mobilization and transparency.
Join FES New York and partners for a strategy session to promote a proposed UN2020 summit.
FESNY and partners co-hosted a luncheon discussion of how unions at banks can build a sustainable and equitable future for the global finance sector.
Ten years after the last financial crisis, large banks are still creating risky financial instruments faster than policymakers can regulate them, and…
Should there be a norm against the use of veto power in cases of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes?
The 75th anniversary of the United Nations in 2020 presents a unique opportunity to renew and strengthen the organization.
It is time to review and to strengthen the functioning of the Presidency of the General Assembly so that the office as an institution can deliver more…
Employment prospects in destination countries and the lack of decent work opportunities in origin countries are a driving force for millions of…
To better understand—and indeed strengthen—the relationship between the state and the citizen, it is important to examine what drives inclusive and…
On the sidelines of the 2018 FfD Forum, FES and partners have teamed up to present a luncheon and roundtable - with a special focus on the situation…
The 2017 hurricane season was one of the worst in the history of the Caribbean. This side event, co-organized by the Permanent Mission of Antigua and…
FES and partners co-hosted this international reception on the sidelines of CSW62 bringing together feminist activists, academics and policy-makers…
FES and partners co-convened this think meeting to underscore the renewed need for critical analysis and advocacy on gender, trade, and interlinking…
On the occasion of the First Global Conference of the Platform for Collaboration on Tax, FES and partners co-organized this side event on the links…
FES New York was pleased to support colleagues from the FES Zambia office and partners in organizing this side event to the 56th Commission on Social…
FES New York co-hosted this year’s Civil Society Forum to bring together UN officials, CSOs and activists from across the globe to discuss how we can…
FES New York and partners organized this working lunch at the UN Delegates Dining Room to address issues related to graduation from concessional…
In cooperation with ACUNS and OEF Research, FES New York organized this roundtable discussion on the report of the FES Global Reflection Group…
FES New York co-hosted this publication launch and discussion on climate change and the UN Security Council together with the Permanent Missions of…
FES New York and partners co-hosted this workshop to analyze the political economy of the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals, with…
FES New York, ITUC, and New Rules for Global Finance co-hosted this panel discussion on global financial rule-making institutions and the nexus…
FES New York and partners co-hosted this side event to present findings and recommendations from the global civil society report 'Spotlight on…
FES New York and partners co-hosted this side event on the recently adopted Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) and its positive…
FES New York and Goethe-Institut New York co-hosted this presentation and discussion on the recently translated biography “Willy Brandt – Life of a…
FES New York and partners co-hosted a high-level panel discussion on global, regional and sub-regional tax cooperation.
FES New York and partners co-hosted this civil society discussion on RtoP and the prevention of atrocity crimes, which allowed participants to…
FES New York partnered with G24 and ILO in this forum to address different perspectives, successes, and challenges related to boosting growth while…
At FES New York’s 2017 Summer Academy, young leaders from across the globe explored the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a tool to…
This high-level panel discussed two reports that highlight issues of poverty, gender equality and income inequality. "Are the Multilateral…
FES New York and partners co-hosted this side event during the First United Nations conference to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit…
FES New York and partners co-hosted this breakfast roundtable to look at one innovative proposal based on lessons from the HIPC/MDRI initiatives of…
Together with the office of the ECOSOC President and the Permanent Mission of Zimbabwe, FES New York co-hosted this annual luncheon for the Special…
FES New York and partners co-hosted this high-level panel to identify the the key measures global institutions and governments need to pursue in order…
FES New York and partners co-hosted this event on the final report of the “The New Geopolitics of Peace Operations II” initiative with focus on future…
This FES New York event offered expert speakers the possibility to exchange insights and ideas on the negotiation of a nuclear weapons ban treaty.
FES New York together with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung New York co-hosted an international reception on the occasion of the sixty-first session of the…
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The 2025 Bundestag elections have drastically changed the balance of power in Germany. A new FES analysis takes a closer look at the results. More
The EU faces an uphill battle at the UN as the Trump administration shifts gears on Ukraine. Can Europe rally the Global South to its side? More
Trump ushers in a new era of coercive diplomacy and "deal-making." It's time for the rules-based international order to find answers. More
Historically the UN's top funder, the U.S. is now likely to worsen the world organization's liquidity crisis by cutting support. More
FES is activating its network of over 100 offices and partner organizations worldwide to help address the sovereign debt crisis. More
Many UN insiders expected Trump's return, but navigating it will be challenging. More
In times of war, is the UN still relevant in driving disarmament efforts? More
Is the geopolitical space for disarmament shrinking? What role do the U.S. and other major powers play? More
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